父・辰恕 (たつじょ)の影響を受け天性の素質を磨き、10代にして天才唄者として活躍。
1997年に発表した、高橋全のピアノとのコラボレーションによるミニアルバム 「海美(あまみ)」で、細野晴臣やUAなど音楽界に多くの信奉者を作り、注目を浴びる。
ベスト盤 「おぼくり~ええうみ」(2008年)などを発表。
2009年にはNHK大河ドラマ「篤姫」の作曲家・吉俣良の作曲による、初の標準日本語 (作詞 UA)オリジナル曲「阿母(あんま)」をフィーチャーしたマキシを発売。
2010年秋には、世界から集まった「13人のグランドマザー」の第8回世界会議(日本 での開催は初)に奄美のおばあちゃんとして出演。
2011年4月より放送開始となるNHK BS番組「新日本風土記」のテーマソングを唄う。
Ikue Asazaki, Biograghy
Ikue Asazaki (born 1935 in Kakeroma Island, Amami Oshina) is an Utasha artist, who is known for her performamce in the traditional Amami Shimauta (folk song). Deeply influenced from her father, Tatsujo's teaching, Asazaki further developed her innate musical talent and was acclaimed as a genius singer in her early teens. Asazaki has performed concerts around the world in such places as New York, Los Angeles, and Cuba. She has also performed extensively in Japan, including a series of concerts for 10 years at the National Theater of Japan.
In 1997, Asazaki released her debut mini album, "Amami" (out of print), featuring with piano performance. The album made a strong impression and has drawn significant attention from many famous artists, including Haruomi Hosono and UA. Since then, she has released a number of albums, including "Utaba Utayun" (2002), "Uta Asibi" (2003), "Obokuri" (2005), "Shimayumuta" (2006),"Hamasaki" (2007), of which she collaborated with Sitar player, Daikichi Yoshida, first compilation album "Obokuri~Eeumi"(2008) and "Anma"(2009).
Asazaki performs with various musical instruments around the world while she maintains the traditional style in her singing. She has worked with a wide range of artists, including Ryuichi Sakamoto and UA. Asazaki's songs can be emotionally effective, and they have touched many hearts across generations.
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